“When you look beyond what you think is possible, you can create a design that is beyond your expectations.”
How do design a Garden – Like a Landscape Architect
with John D. Longhill ASLA, C.L.A.R.B., ASCA
Successful Landscape Architects and landscape designers, who desire equal success in the area of garden design are extolling the insights of John D. Longhill and his program: How to design a Garden – Like a Landscape Architect. John’s transformational ideas and practical tools empower individuals to dissolve creative blocks and design gardens like they have never done before. His clients experience immediate results by gaining a real understanding of the creative process, how their brain functions and to utilize this information in a practical way as a garden designer.
How John’s Training and Experience Will Serve You
John discovered at an early age that creativity is the essence of what makes us human and spent a number of years exploring the best way to express his own creative passions. After several years in college exploring engineering, photography and oceanography, John had a chance meeting with one of the “elders” of landscape architecture in Sewell’s Point, Florida. Frederick B. Stresau, the 9th landscape architect registered in the State of Florida. Fred graduated from the University of Illinois in 1937 and moved to South Florida in 1938. John didn’t realize at the time that Fred was somewhat of a celebrity among landscape architects. Fred understood the character and “personality” of plants like no other, and actually used garden design as a vehicle in showcasing the personality and character of plants in every garden he designed. He talked about plants like other people talked about people, as if he had personal relationships with each and every one of them. One plant didn’t like to get its feet wet and another one was going to turn up its toes and die if it was put in a location it didn’t like. Plants became larger than life with Fred. He was an amazing teacher, mentor and friend.
John’s unique talents as a photographer, landscape architect, horse trainer, workshop leader, life coach, motivational speaker and spiritual mentor has given him exceptional insights, into the nature of human existence, This work combined to become the foundation for the educational programs he has brought forth.
John’s credentials include 40 years as a landscape architect, District supervisor with the Middle Park Conservation District, Board member of The Lower Blue Planning Commission, President of Friends of the Lower Blue River Valley and founder of Blue River Horse Center. His experience as a landscape architect, working with clients nationwide, equips John with an in-depth understanding, of the demanding world we live in today. His compassion, skills, and “lessons learned experiences”, help guide high achieving individuals to navigate the design world with a personal focus, while serving clients had a high level.